Finally Getting The Lead Out

My journey to finally getting the lead out of my ass and doing something about my weight...before it gets out of control.Hey I'm not getting any younger...Now Is The Time!! I will be updating the Ticker at the top of the page on a weekly basis to show my total weight loss.

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


Ok so apparently I am crippled....the more hours go by the stiffer my legs get....It is now nearly impossible to raise my ass from any you get the picture..

Needless to say Tae Bo will not be taking place today..

And the treadmill thing will probably not happen either...Better luck tomorrow..


Tuesday Morning...

Billy Blanks' Tae-Bo Cardio

So I got up this morning and had lost 2.2 pounds!! Guess Rabbitt food isn't so bad for you after all..

Today I am going to be doing Billy Blanks' Tae-Bo Cardio. It's kind of a long workout so I seriously doubt I will make it all the way through...especially since just getting up and down off the couch and the *ahem* toilet is a challenge for me today....Guess I actually do have muscles in my tushie after all...sad to say but I guess I haven't been using them for much lately so yesterday they got a good workout and now they are not happy with me at all. So here's my goal for today...Get through at least 25 minutes of the Tae Bo cardio and walk for 30 minutes on the treadmill. I would also like to get 8 glasses of either Propel Fitness Water or plain water down...

So that is my goal for today in a nutshell...I am off to murder myself with Tae Bo...will check back in later today to let you know how it is going..


Monday, February 06, 2006

Afternoon Update.. for lunch today I had a subway sweet onion chicken terriyaki sub on wheat with spinach black olives, and red onions and salt and pepper with some sun chips and a diet coke...

Then when I got home I got on the treadmill and walked 1 mile and burned 161 calories. (almost burned off those sun chips!!)

Wish me luck for tonight cause I am getting into the danger zone now...for some reason after 5pm I get an appetite like a grizzly bear...Gonna go have a sugar free popsicle now(only 30 calories and no fat)....



Salad Dressing, Ginger & Sesame, 12 oz.

So maybe tomorrow I will do the Pilates first and the other workout second...I just couldn't get those moves down legs and butt hurts so bad from the box climbs on the other tape that I couldn't do the Pilates movements. So I guess I will have to settle for 30 minutes of Metaboost and a 30 minute walk today...I am going to do the walk later this afternoon while I watch my soap or Dr. Phil.

Anyways, I am starving so I am going to go and eat some Rabbit Food(Salad)....sounds yummy huh??

At least I get to use good dressing..yum...


Today's Progress So Far

Today's food so far....

Half of a supersonic breakfast burrito...(I know it is not a good thing to eat when you are dieting but I was hungry!!)

Today's Exercise so Far....

I did part of Fitprime Metaboost...(until my butt felt like it was gonna fall off) and then popped in the Winsor Pilates 20 minute workout and did that. Maybe I will get on the treadmill later for some walking who knows..

So for my first day on the wagon it was decent...not stellar but not like I ate an entire Burger King or something..Ha ha..

Anyways my soap is on so maybe I will put that on and walk on the treadmill while I watch it...what a novel concept!!


Sunday, February 05, 2006

Starting Back At It Again...

Tomorrow I am starting back on my diet and exercise regimen. I am sick of being flabby and hoo. I am going to start out slow with some cardio and pilates this week and then next week I am going to add in some step aerobics and Tae Bo. I will be using a paper food journal which I will enter information from into this blog. Wish me luck! I want to wear a bathing suit this summer and not feel like a toad!!
